Growth in store for wireless surveillance infrastructure market

Mar 23, 2015

2015-03-23 Rising Deployment Numbers for Wireless Surveillance.jpgIn recent years, more organizations across a range of industries have been deploying video surveillance. However, the ability to keep an eye on staff members and key assets would not be possible without the proper infrastructure. Thanks to these rising deployment numbers, the market for wireless surveillance infrastructure systems – including wireless mesh technology – has grown recently, and will continue to expand in the coming years.

Growth by the numbers
According to a report from IMS Research, the market for wireless surveillance infrastructure is poised to reach $705 million in revenues by 2017 thanks to a compound annual growth rate of 17 percent.

Although this market showed the potential for growth across the globe, the report found that the most expansion will likely take place in China and the Asia Pacific region. The Chinese market is expected to see a compound annual growth rate of 28.8 percent through 2017, with the rest of the Asia Pacific region experiencing a CAGR of 27.9 percent. This is closely followed by South America, which is expected to see a 26.6 percent CAGR, as well as Mexico, which is forecasted to see a CAGR of 23.1 percent.

Growth is also expected in the American marketplace. According to a separate report from IHS Technology, the American wireless surveillance infrastructure market will double its overall revenue through 2018.

What’s driving this market growth?
There are several factors driving the global expansion of the wireless surveillance infrastructure market, including demand for solutions in areas that may not have existing resources in place.

“In regions with widespread existing video surveillance infrastructure, such as the United States or the United Kingdom, the adoption of wireless infrastructure for video surveillance is growing steadily,” noted IHS analyst Josh Woodhouse. “However, emerging regions that lack such infrastructure will generate the strongest growth in the world, causing the market for video surveillance wireless infrastructure gear to boom during the coming years.”

Still battling wired video surveillance
Although solutions for wireless video surveillance have come a long way in recent years, the IHS report found that the technology “does not yet present a credible threat to the market for wired surveillance equipment (where both options are feasible).” This could be due to the fact that some organizations choose to build out their existing wired surveillance solutions with integrated wireless technology.

“As the wider video surveillance equipment market matures, there is expected to be an increase in the number of opportunities to implement wireless infrastructure, whether extending existing networks or deploying a new video surveillance networks,” IHS analyst Aaron Dale wrote.

However, as more industries see the vast benefits of using a wireless solution – including the considerable cost savings that result from not needing to dig trenches and install cable – experts expect the wireless surveillance industry to overtake wired systems.

To find out more about wireless surveillance infrastructure, including mesh technology, contact Firetide today.

