Frequently asked questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about our products.


Why do I need to purchase warranty on my Firetide products?

What are the HotView Pro system requirements?

What Countries does HotView Pro support?

What version of HotView Pro should I be using?

How do I find the Firetide product serial number?

What are the HotView Pro password parameters?

What is the procedure to apply a Dual Radio, Wireless-N, and Management to a Mesh node?

What is the process of adding or replacing a mesh node in an existing mesh?

What is the procedure to create interoperability between 6000 and 7000 series mesh nodes?

What is the procedure to set up run-as-service in HotView Pro?

How do I view my 5020-LNK from HotView Pro?

How do I pair one of my 5020-LNK nodes with a different 5020-LNK?

Is it possible to create an Ethernet Direct link between a 5020 and 7020 node?

What is the hardware factory reset procedure for a HotPort 7020 outdoor mesh node?

What is the hardware factory reset procedure for a HotPort 7010 indoor mesh node?

What is the CLI factory reset procedure for a HotPort mesh node?

What RF cable should I use?

Where is the FIPS 140-2 validation certificate for the HotPort 7100 and 7200?

License information

What is the Firetide policy on license re-issues?

Who do I contact regarding my HotView Pro License Keys?

How do I install HotView Pro and add a Management license key?

What is the procedure to move a license key from one mesh node to another?

What is the process of transferring licenses between systems?

How do I access a Firetide mesh without a Management license on my system?


What do I do when getting a java 2 error message when installing HotView Pro

How do I log into HotView Pro if getting a user does not exist error message?

What do I do when getting an unable to write to node error message?

Why can’t I view my 5020-LNK pair along with my other mesh nodes?

Why can I not set my 5020-M to a US Country Code?