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Archive: January 2016

One of the most important topics of discussion when it comes to public transportation is the safety of passengers, transit operators and the maintenance staff responsible for upkeep of critical infrastructure. In a more perfect world, every single train car and bus would have security officers and EMT onboard at all times, but this is infeasible.  Read More


Law enforcement is one of the most viable use cases for video surveillance. For one thing, surveillance solutions can serve as crime deterrents. Bad actors are more likely to be on their best behavior when they know someone is watching. Equally as important, the extraordinary amount of information that can be derived from a visual record of events can, and has, helped investigators solve crimes. Here are three examples of times when video surveillance helped law enforcement officials improve crime fighting efforts.  Read More


The preservation of historical sites is an important cultural endeavor for several reasons. It gives us an interactive way to peek through the curtain of time to get a better sense of where we've been. From an educational standpoint, old buildings, monuments and ancient estates serve as destinations that engage and inspire children to learn more about the world in which they live.  Read More


Transient destinations such as airports, train stations and large tourist attractions have a way of introducing unique public safety hazards. So many people and vehicles coming and going creates a level of calamity that makes it easy for personal items to be lost or stolen. Small children wander off in the chaos. Someone might fall down amid the rush of human traffic. A lot can happen in these hectic environments.  Read More


Video surveillance has always been useful as a security monitoring tool, as a way to ensure public safety and even as a crime deterrent in some cases. However, as wireless technology, mesh topology and other network innovations continue to be enhanced, video surveillance solutions are finding new value propositions in a variety of industries.  Read More