Today’s top advantages of wireless surveillance

Mar 16, 2015

2015-03-15 Top Advantages of Wireless Surveillance.jpgToday, an increasing amount of organizations across different industries have adopted wireless surveillance as part of their security plans. The market for this technology is expanding each year, especially as more users realize the benefits they can reap from these systems. Whether they are deployed for public safety, within high traffic transportation areas or to keep an eye on industrial machines, wireless surveillance systems are proving considerably advantageous for today’s users.

Let’s take a look at some of the top benefits to using this technology, including:

1) Untangled: No wires 
One of the most obvious benefits to using a surveillance system supported by a mesh network is the fact that the technology is wireless. Remember how excited everyone was when wireless phones became popular? In essence, this is very similar: Surveillance systems are no longer hampered by wires. This means users need not worry about digging trenches to run wires to hard-to-reach locations, or only being able to place cameras at a specific site. In this way, cameras are easier to hide and aren’t given away by a tangle of wires, Street Directory pointed out. In addition, a wireless system also cuts down on the initial investment needed.

2) Faster, more streamlined installation
A lack of wires also allows for easier installation. Because organizations don’t have to run cables to support the technology, deployment is completed in a much shorter timeline. This could mean a project that might typically take weeks with a wired system could be cut down to days, ensuring that security measures are accessible more quickly.

3) More cost-effective
Wireless surveillance technology is also more cost effective than legacy wired systems. Because the deployment takes less time, organizations save money on installation as well.  This could mean savings of thousands of dollars for each surveillance initiative. The money saved here could be put toward other mission-critical aspects of the company, as well as nicer equipment.

“Because it is wireless, typically there are less tools and accessories that will be needed,” Street Directory noted. “This will allow you to save money on the accessories and pay strictly for a nice camera.”

4) Movable and flexible
A wireless system is also incredibly flexible, enabling users to deploy cameras as needed and move them according to their own requirements. This comes in handy when surveillance is needed for a temporary event or a company is moving locations. The technology can simply be packed up and moved to a new location depending on users’ demands.

To find out more about the benefits of a wireless surveillance system supported by mesh network technology, contact Firetidetoday.

